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Conference on radical literature and culture for young people

Conference on radical literature and culture for young people

The Irish Society for the Study of Childrenā€™s Literature 2019 conference explores the theme of ‘Young Peopleā€™s Radical Literature and Culture’. The keynote address will be given Professor Kimberley Reynolds of Newcastle University.
The conference will occur during Friday 29thĀ and Saturday 30thĀ March 2019 in the Marino Institute of Education, Dublin 9, Ireland. You can view the programme and register for the conference atĀ https://issclblog.wordpress.com/.
It is now over ten years since Kimberley Reynolds highlighted the importance of radical dimensions of childrenā€™s literature inher book,Ā Radical Childrenā€™s Literature: Future Visions and Aesthetic Transformations in Juvenile Fiction. Texts for young people have always been embedded in norms, concepts and systems regarding socialisation, education, and enculturation and offer empowering and disempowering possibilities for everyone who engages with them. Concepts of childhood, youth literature and youth culture are situated and operate within diverse contexts and contested spaces which are negotiated by readers, audiences, publishers, creative industries, authors, librarians, teachers, families, gate keepers, institutions, cultural movements, and political and religious groups. Radical youth literature challenges dominant expectations and norms about childhood, society, socialisation, and young peopleā€™s reading, acts as a force for change and encourages children and young adults to question the authority of those in power. In todayā€™s world, the role and liberating possibilities of radical youth culture and literature have become even more urgent.
This conference will explore the experimental, subversive and/or disruptive potential of Irish and international literature and culture for young people. The conference will also consider the extent to which childrenā€™s and young-adult texts and culture can promote, cultivate and/or establish radical representations and ideas. In what ways is todayā€™s radical youth literature different from that of earlier decades? What contemporary issues are addressed in radical youth literature and culture and how? To what extent have publishing, schools, libraries, multimedia and entertainment industries engaged with radical youth texts and radical youth culture? How is radical childrenā€™s and young adult literature and culture created, distributed, enacted and experienced?

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