International Jazz Day
What is International Jazz Day?
International Jazz Day was designated by UNESCO in order to highlight jazz and its diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe. Jazz Day brings together communities, schools, artists, historians, academics, and jazz enthusiasts all over the world to celebrate and learn about jazz and its roots, future and impact.
Fundamentally it’s a great opportunity to celebrate this incredible genre of music, its history, variety and innovation, and for us at IMC it’s a wonderful way to celebrate the constant creativity of Irish jazz artists.
Want to get involved?
Invite a friend to jazz
Have a friend who wouldn’t necessarily be a jazz fan? Today is the perfect opportunity to invite them along to a gig – give them the experience of hearing jazz performed live, and seeing how unique and in-the-moment each gig is. Can you show them how many different approaches to jazz there are? Have a look through our events and listings, or get them to listen to our playlists, we’ll be very surprised if there isn’t something there for all curious ears!